A trusted ally in a complex landscape
Community Health Advocates (CHA) helps New Yorkers navigate the complex health care system by providing individual assistance, outreach, and education to communities throughout New York State. CHA has always been an “all-payer” program, providing one-stop services to consumers with public or private coverage, or no coverage at all.
CHA is a statewide network of organizations helping individuals, families, and small businesses use their health insurance and access the health care they need. We offer services in multiple languages through trusted local partners. Learn about what we do.
The CHA network currently consists of 25 local partner organizations, including three specialists (Empire Justice Center, Legal Aid Society, and Medicare Rights Center) that provide training and technical assistance. Our partners include groups serving: racial and ethnic minorities, low-income families, immigrants, rural people, and small businesses. This gives CHA the regional, cultural and linguistic competency needed to address the health care issues in New York’s diverse communities.